(Ian Hunter)
I stood on a mountain And I looked down the freeway And saw you in the distance Fading away. It's so sad that you're leaving I can't stop believing The rest of my life Won't be the same. All is forgiven All is forgiven Throw it away When your heart lies Only three miles from Heaven All is forgiven. I stood in the white room And I cried like a baby Cut myself shaving A lock of your hair. It's as white as a snowflake Soft as a feather Dancing on air I know that you're there. All is forgiven All is forgiven Put it away When your heart lies Three miles from Heaven All is forgiven. When your heart lies Three miles from Heaven All is forgiven Yes it is.
These lyrics have been determined after careful listening to the tracks in question, and are provided for educational purposes only. Due to the possibility of mis-hearing, we cannot vouch for their accuracy. Copyright remains vested in the lawful copyright holders.
Transcribed by Just a Buzz