(Ian Hunter)
one, two, three, four, one, two, three, four Silently spoken, days of our lives Rooms that are broken inside I need your violence Songs in the air Call me 'til I don't care You're a sight for sore eyes Colwater High, remember me I'm the one who'll always be around To pick up your lies Colwater High, remember me I will be your slave forever Millions of daydreams, lost in your hair You call me but I'm never there Crowded arenas, screaming for you But there's only one dream You're a sight for sore eyes Colwater High, remember me I'm the one who'll always be around To pick up your lies Colwater High, remember me I will be your slave forever Until the day my heart breaks down 'til the roof is caving in And my ego hits the ground And you're my ologist(?) You're a sight for sore eyes Colwater High, remember me I'm the one who'll always be around To pick up your lies Colwater High, remember me I will be your slave forever You're a sight for sore eyes Colwater High, remember me I'm the one who'll always be around To pick up your lies Colwater High, remember me I will be your slave forever
These lyrics have been determined after careful listening to the tracks in question, and are provided for educational purposes only. Due to the possibility of mis-hearing, we cannot vouch for their accuracy. Copyright remains vested in the lawful copyright holders.
Transcribed by Colin Ford. Minor correction by Gareth Rowell